Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Macro Shots of Flowers Tip

Yesterday I spent some time outside photography flowers. Most were close up shots. Through my viewfinder these flowers looked pretty good. When I uploaded to Lightroom, I noticed lots of dust, debris, and unwanted insects on my flower shots. I deleted most of the shots. I am determined not to have this happen again by doing two things. First, I will take a magnifying glass to examine the flowers up close, and secondly, I will take a brush to lightly clean away any distracting material or insects. This advice is good for macro shots of most inanimate objects. Brush or blow them off to make them look their best.

One advantage of using the the magnifying glass is that you might find something interesting in the flower. I recently found some aphids inside a bloom which I would not have seen without magnification. They were cool.

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